MS Office 2003 template should be used to format the abstract and style the text (at least 4 full A4 pages):

Authors of non English materials should provide the following also in English: «Paper Title», «Authors Name/s», «Affiliation», «dept. name of organization», «City, Country», «e-mail», «address». Also is necessary to provide extended «Abstract» up to 1600 characters and «Keywords» in English. Provide the above mentioned attributes in Ukrainian if the original language of the paper is English. «Література» should additionally be provided as «References». References should be listed in their original languages. Materials will be reviewed. It's recommended to avoid self-citation.


Organising committee address:

Dr. Yurii Iliash
department of Computer Science,
faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
Shevchenko str.,  57,  
Ivano-Frankivsk, 76018, Ukraine